Formula Conversion Samples

Crystal Reports Formula Conversion Samples 

All the formulas below have been converted automatically, and some line breaks have been added to fit the width here.
Overall our formula conversion accuracy is over 98% for both Crystal and VB formulas.

1. Formula with "IN" Keyword
The "In keyword will be automatically converted to a group of "Or" subconditions.

Formula Name: Group1
Formula Type: String
Formula Syntax: crystalSyntax

else If {PM00200.USERDEF1} = "" then "1-OPEN" else {PM00200.USERDEF1}

Conversion Result

IIF (((Fields!VNDCLSID.Value = "FIN_GOODS") OR (Fields!VNDCLSID.Value = "FREIGHT_IN") OR 
     (Fields!VNDCLSID.Value = "PROD_OTHER") OR (Fields!VNDCLSID.Value = "RAW_MATRL")), 
     ("PRODUCT"), IIF (( Fields!USERDEF1.Value = "" ), ("1-OPEN") , 
2. Formula to be converted to external custom code.
If the is variable declaration, usually the function will be converted to external custom code.

Formula Name: Name
Formula Type: String
Formula Syntax: crystalSyntax
stringVar tw := " ";
if not isnull({PATIENTS.Twin}) then tw := " " + {PATIENTS.Twin} + " ";
{PATIENTS.LastName} + ", " + {PATIENTS.FirstName} + " " + {PATIENTS.Sex} + tw

Public Function Name (ByVal dbField34 As String, ByVal dbField2 As String, 
               ByVal dbField3 As String, ByVal dbField33 As String) As String
    Dim tw As String = " "

     If Not (IsNothing(dbField34)) Then 
        tw = " " + dbField34 + " "
     End If 

Return dbField2 + ", " + dbField3 + " " + dbField33 + tw
End Function

Conversion Result:
Call this function from page header:
=Code.Name (First(Fields!Twin.Value, "DataSet1"), First(Fields!LastName.Value, "DataSet1"), 
    First(Fields!FirstName.Value, "DataSet1"), First(Fields!Sex.Value, "DataSet1"))

3. IsNull will be converted to "IsNothing", ToText will most likely be converted to "Format"

Formula Name: Abuse
Formula Type: String
Formula Syntax: crystalSyntax

stringVar s1 := "";
stringVar s2 := "";
stringVar s3 := "";
stringVar s4 := "";

if not isnull({PREGLABOR.Smokes}) then s1 := "Smokes " + 
    ToText({PREGLABOR.Smokes},2) + " ppd. ";
if ({PREGLABOR.Alcohol}) then s2 := "Alcohol. ";
if not isnull({PREGLABOR.StreetDrugs}) then s3 := "Drugs: " + 
  ToText(Replace({PREGLABOR.StreetDrugs}, Chr(13) + Chr(10), ", ")) + ". ";
if not isnull({PREGLABOR.DateUse}) then s4 := "Last used on " + 
    ToText(CDate({PREGLABOR.DateUse})) + ".";

stringVar s5 := s1 + s2 + s3 + s4;
if (s5 = "") then "" else s5

Conversion Result:
=Code.Abuse (Fields!Smokes.Value, Fields!Alcohol.Value, Fields!StreetDrugs.Value, 
Public Function Abuse (ByVal dbField60 As Decimal, ByVal dbField61 As Boolean, 
    ByVal dbField62 As String, ByVal dbField63 As Date) As String
    Dim s1 As String = ""

    Dim s2 As String = ""

    Dim s3 As String = ""

    Dim s4 As String = ""

     If Not (IsNothing(dbField60)) Then 
        s1 = "Smokes " + Format (dbField60, "#,##0.00") + " ppd. "
     End If 

     If dbField61 Then 
        s2 = "Alcohol. "
     End If 

     If Not (IsNothing(dbField62)) Then 
        s3 = "Drugs: " + Replace(dbField62, Chr(13) + Chr(10), ", ") + ". "
     End If 

     If Not (IsNothing(dbField63)) Then 
        s4 = "Last used on " + DateVale (dbField63) + "."
     End If 

     Dim s5 As String = s1 + s2 + s3 + s4

     If s5 = "" Then 
        Return ""
        Return s5
     End If 

End Function

4. A complicated IF then formaula, if the "IF" is simple, it will be converted to embedded IIF, 
otherwise external custom code.

Formula Name: Apgar10
Formula Type: String
Formula Syntax: crystalSyntax
numberVar Apgar10 := 0;

if not isnull({BIRTH.Apgar10}) then Apgar10 := Apgar10 + {BIRTH.Apgar10};
if not isnull({BIRTH.Apgar10_2}) then Apgar10 := Apgar10 + {BIRTH.Apgar10_2};
if not isnull({BIRTH.Apgar10_3}) then Apgar10 := Apgar10 + {BIRTH.Apgar10_3};
if not isnull({BIRTH.Apgar10_4}) then Apgar10 := Apgar10 + {BIRTH.Apgar10_4};
if not isnull({BIRTH.Apgar10_5}) then Apgar10 := Apgar10 + {BIRTH.Apgar10_5};

if not isnull({BIRTH.Apgar10}) or not isnull({BIRTH.Apgar10_2}) or not isnull({BIRTH.Apgar10_3}) 
or not isnull({BIRTH.Apgar10_4}) or not isnull({BIRTH.Apgar10_5}) then ToText(Apgar10,0);

Conversion Result:
=Code.Apgar10 (Fields!Apgar10.Value, Fields!Apgar10_2.Value, Fields!Apgar10_3.Value, 
Fields!Apgar10_4.Value, Fields!Apgar10_5.Value)
Public Function Apgar10 (ByVal dbField22 As Integer, ByVal dbField78 As Integer, 
    ByVal dbField82 As Integer,  ByVal dbField86 As Integer, 
    ByVal dbField90 As Integer) As String
    Dim Apgar10 As Decimal = 0

     If Not (IsNothing(dbField22)) Then 
        Apgar10 = Apgar10 + dbField22
     End If 

     If Not (IsNothing(dbField78)) Then 
        Apgar10 = Apgar10 + dbField78
     End If 

     If Not (IsNothing(dbField82)) Then 
        Apgar10 = Apgar10 + dbField82
     End If 

     If Not (IsNothing(dbField86)) Then 
        Apgar10 = Apgar10 + dbField86
     End If 

     If Not (IsNothing(dbField90)) Then 
        Apgar10 = Apgar10 + dbField90
     End If 

     If Not (IsNothing(dbField22)) Or Not (IsNothing(dbField78)) Or Not (IsNothing(dbField82)) 
        Or Not (IsNothing(dbField86)) Or Not (IsNothing(dbField90)) Then 
        Return Format (Apgar10, "#,##0")
     End If 

End Function

5. CStr and ToText conversion, by the way CStr is equivalent to ToText

Formula Type: String
Formula Syntax: crystalSyntax

CStr ( {?@_RequestedDateTime}, {?@_ShortDateTimeFormat})

Conversion Result:
Format (Parameters!v__RequestedDateTime.Value, Parameters!v__ShortDateTimeFormat.Value)

6. Another "If then else" formula

Formula Name: Curr_Trx_Amnt
Formula Type: Decimal
Formula Syntax: crystalSyntax
if {vw_rmall.rmdtypal} = 1 then {vw_rmall.curtrxam} else
if {vw_rmall.rmdtypal} = 3 then {vw_rmall.curtrxam} else
if {vw_rmall.rmdtypal} = 4 then {vw_rmall.curtrxam} else
if {vw_rmall.rmdtypal} = 7 then -{vw_rmall.curtrxam} else
if {vw_rmall.rmdtypal} = 8 then -{vw_rmall.curtrxam} else
if {vw_rmall.rmdtypal} = 9 then -{vw_rmall.curtrxam} else

Conversion Result:
=Code.Curr_Trx_Amnt (Fields!rmdtypal.Value, Fields!curtrxam.Value)
Public Function Curr_Trx_Amnt (ByVal dbField2 As Integer, 
    ByVal dbField6 As Decimal) As Decimal
     If dbField2 = 1 Then 
        Return dbField6
     ElseIf dbField2 = 3 Then 
        Return dbField6
     ElseIf dbField2 = 4 Then 
        Return dbField6
     ElseIf dbField2 = 7 Then 
        Return (-dbField6)
     ElseIf dbField2 = 8 Then 
        Return (-dbField6)
     ElseIf dbField2 = 9 Then 
        Return (-dbField6)
        Return 0.00
     End If 

End Function

7. Function called other functions. It will automatically generate all the function 
parameter and types. 

Formula Name: Normal_30_Days
Formula Type: Decimal
Formula Syntax: crystalSyntax
if {RM00101.CUSTCLAS} <> "50 MID MONTH" and 
{?Date} - {vw_rmall.docdate} > 30 and
{?Date} - {vw_rmall.docdate} <= 60 then {@Curr Trx Amnt} else
if {RM00101.CUSTCLAS} = "50 MID MONTH" and 
{?Date} - {vw_rmall.docdate} > 45 and
{?Date} - {vw_rmall.docdate} <= 75 then {@Curr Trx Amnt}
else 0

Conversion Result:
IIF ((Fields!CUSTCLAS.Value <> "50 MID MONTH" And 
    DateDiff("d", Fields!docdate.Value, Parameters!Date.Value) > 30 
    And DateDiff("d", Fields!docdate.Value, Parameters!Date.Value) <= 60), 
    (Code.Curr_Trx_Amnt (Fields!rmdtypal.Value, Fields!curtrxam.Value)), 
    IIF (( Fields!CUSTCLAS.Value = "50 MID MONTH" And 
    DateDiff("d", Fields!docdate.Value, Parameters!Date.Value) > 45 
    And DateDiff("d", Fields!docdate.Value, Parameters!Date.Value) <= 75 ), 
    (Code.Curr_Trx_Amnt (Fields!rmdtypal.Value, Fields!curtrxam.Value)) , (0)))

8. Function with date formatting and parameters

Formula Name: Date_Range
Formula Type: String
Formula Syntax: crystalSyntax
totext(minimum({?Date Range}),"MM/dd/yyyy") + " to " + 
    totext(maximum({?Date Range}),"MM/dd/yyyy")

Conversion Result:
Format (Parameters!Date_RangeStart.Value, "MM/dd/yyyy") + " to " 
    + Format (Parameters!Date_RangeEndEnd.Value, "MM/dd/yyyy")

9. Function with ranged value. This is automatically converted to substr with VB "Mid"

Formula Name: sort
Formula Type: Decimal
Formula Syntax: crystalSyntax
if {Customer_Master.STATUS_23} = 'H'           //credit hold
then 4
else if {Customer_Master.SLSREP_23} = 'ZFOR'        //International 
else if {Customer_Master.SLSREP_23} = 'ZFOA'        //International  
       then 2
       else if {Customer_Master.SLSREP_23} = 'ZFEA'        //International  
       then 2
       else if {Customer_Master.SLSREP_23} = 'ZFAA'        //International  
       then 2
       else if {Customer_Master.SLSREP_23} = 'ZFOL'        //International  
       then 2
       else if  {SO_Detail.DUEQTY_28} > {Part_Master.ONHAND_01}
               then 3
               else if {Customer_Master.CUSTID_23}[1 to 2] = 'CN'
                       then 1
                       else 0
Conversion Result:                       
=Code.sort (Fields!STATUS_23.Value, Fields!SLSREP_23.Value, Fields!DUEQTY_28.Value, 
    Fields!ONHAND_01.Value, Fields!CUSTID_23.Value)

Public Function sort (ByVal dbField12 As String, ByVal dbField15 As String, 
    ByVal dbField14 As Decimal,  ByVal dbField17 As Decimal, 
    ByVal dbField18 As String) As Decimal
     If dbField12 = "H" Then 
        Return 4
     ElseIf dbField15 = "ZFOR" Then 
        Return 2
     ElseIf dbField15 = "ZFOA" Then 
        Return 2
     ElseIf dbField15 = "ZFEA" Then 
        Return 2
     ElseIf dbField15 = "ZFAA" Then 
        Return 2
     ElseIf dbField15 = "ZFOL" Then 
        Return 2
     ElseIf dbField14 > dbField17 Then 
        Return 3
     ElseIf Mid(dbField18, 1, 2) = "CN" Then 
        Return 1
        Return 0
     End If 

End Function

10. Long IF and calling other function

Formula Name: sortmsg
Formula Type: String
Formula Syntax: crystalSyntax
if {@sort} = 0
then 'Domestic'
else if {@sort} = 1
        then 'Canadian'
        else if {@sort} = 2 
               then 'International'
               else if {@sort} = 4
                      then 'Credit Hold'
                      else if {@sort} = 3
                              then 'Back Order'
                              else 'Inknown'
Conversion Result:
=Code.sortmsg (Fields!STATUS_23.Value, Fields!SLSREP_23.Value, Fields!DUEQTY_28.Value, 
    Fields!ONHAND_01.Value, Fields!CUSTID_23.Value)
Public Function sortmsg (ByVal dbField12 As String, ByVal dbField15 As String, 
    ByVal dbField14 As Decimal, ByVal dbField17 As Decimal, 
    ByVal dbField18 As String) As String
     If sort (dbField12, dbField15, dbField14, dbField17, dbField18) = 0 Then 
        Return "Domestic"
     ElseIf sort (dbField12, dbField15, dbField14, dbField17, dbField18) = 1 Then 
        Return "Canadian"
     ElseIf sort (dbField12, dbField15, dbField14, dbField17, dbField18) = 2 Then 
        Return "International"
     ElseIf sort (dbField12, dbField15, dbField14, dbField17, dbField18) = 4 Then 
        Return "Credit Hold"
     ElseIf sort (dbField12, dbField15, dbField14, dbField17, dbField18) = 3 Then 
        Return "Back Order"
        Return "Inknown"
     End If 

End Function

11. Function with summary, aggregation functions such as Sum cannot be used in external 
custom code, so they must be converted to embedded SSRS expression. In addition, 
the summary scope cannot use field name.

Formula Name: SFY02_Dist_Avg
Formula Type: Decimal
Formula Syntax: crystalSyntax

Conversion Result
 IIF ((Sum(Cdbl(Fields!PAYMENT_AMOUNT_02.Value), "Group1") > 0), 
     (((Sum(Cdbl(Fields!PAYMENT_AMOUNT_02.Value), "Group1")) / 
     (Sum(Cdbl(Fields!MEMBER_MONTHS_02.Value), "Group1"))) / (12)), 0)

12. Complicated IF and fields from stored procedure

Formula Name: RMCost
Formula Type: Decimal
Formula Syntax: crystalSyntax
if {?TempCostOption} = "Actual"
Then {AACostPlusDetails;1.Calc_ActualExtCost}
if {?TempCostOption} = "Average"
Then {AACostPlusDetails;1.Calc_ActualAveCost}
if {?TempCostOption} = "January"
Then {AACostPlusDetails;1.Calc_TempExtCostJan}
if {?TempCostOption} = "February"
Then {AACostPlusDetails;1.Calc_TempExtCostFeb}
if {?TempCostOption} = "March"
Then {AACostPlusDetails;1.Calc_TempExtCostMar}
if {?TempCostOption} = "April"
Then {AACostPlusDetails;1.Calc_TempExtCostApr}
if {?TempCostOption} = "May"
Then {AACostPlusDetails;1.Calc_TempExtCostMay}
if {?TempCostOption} = "June"
Then {AACostPlusDetails;1.Calc_TempExtCostJun}
if {?TempCostOption} = "July"
Then {AACostPlusDetails;1.Calc_TempExtCostJul}
if {?TempCostOption} = "August"
Then {AACostPlusDetails;1.Calc_TempExtCostAug}
if {?TempCostOption} = "September"
Then {AACostPlusDetails;1.Calc_TempExtCostSep}
if {?TempCostOption} = "October"
Then {AACostPlusDetails;1.Calc_TempExtCostOct}
if {?TempCostOption} = "November"
Then {AACostPlusDetails;1.Calc_TempExtCostNov}
if {?TempCostOption} = "December"
Then {AACostPlusDetails;1.Calc_TempExtCostDec}

Conversion Result:
=Code.RMCost (Parameters!TempCostOption.Value, Fields!Calc_ActualExtCost.Value, 
    Fields!Calc_ActualAveCost.Value, Fields!Calc_TempExtCostJan.Value, 
    Fields!Calc_TempExtCostFeb.Value, Fields!Calc_TempExtCostMar.Value, 
    Fields!Calc_TempExtCostApr.Value, Fields!Calc_TempExtCostMay.Value, 
    Fields!Calc_TempExtCostJun.Value, Fields!Calc_TempExtCostJul.Value, 
    Fields!Calc_TempExtCostAug.Value, Fields!Calc_TempExtCostSep.Value, 
    Fields!Calc_TempExtCostOct.Value, Fields!Calc_TempExtCostNov.Value, 

Public Function RMCost (ByVal parameter5 As String, ByVal dbField47 As Decimal, 
    ByVal dbField48 As Decimal, ByVal dbField7 As Decimal, ByVal dbField8 As Decimal, 
    ByVal dbField9 As Decimal, ByVal dbField10 As Decimal, ByVal dbField11 As Decimal, 
    ByVal dbField12 As Decimal, ByVal dbField13 As Decimal, ByVal dbField14 As Decimal, 
    ByVal dbField15 As Decimal, ByVal dbField16 As Decimal, ByVal dbField17 As Decimal, 
    ByVal dbField18 As Decimal) As Decimal
     If parameter5 = "Actual" Then 
        Return dbField47
     ElseIf parameter5 = "Average" Then 
        Return dbField48
     ElseIf parameter5 = "January" Then 
        Return dbField7
     ElseIf parameter5 = "February" Then 
        Return dbField8
     ElseIf parameter5 = "March" Then 
        Return dbField9
     ElseIf parameter5 = "April" Then 
        Return dbField10
     ElseIf parameter5 = "May" Then 
        Return dbField11
     ElseIf parameter5 = "June" Then 
        Return dbField12
     ElseIf parameter5 = "July" Then 
        Return dbField13
     ElseIf parameter5 = "August" Then 
        Return dbField14
     ElseIf parameter5 = "September" Then 
        Return dbField15
     ElseIf parameter5 = "October" Then 
        Return dbField16
     ElseIf parameter5 = "November" Then 
        Return dbField17
     ElseIf parameter5 = "December" Then 
        Return dbField18
        Return 0
     End If 

End Function

13. Using color in formula, Crystal Color is integer while SSRS color is String type. 
We can convert color automatically.

Formula Name: Back_Color
Formula Type: Decimal
Formula Syntax: crystalSyntax
if {MList.Rev} = "0" or {MList.Rev} = "A"  or {Pos.Rev} <> {MList.Rev} then
color (226,226,226)

Conversion Result:
IIF ((Fields!Rev.Value = "0" Or Fields!Rev.Value = "A" Or 
    Fields!Rev.Value <> Fields!Rev.Value), 
    ("Transparent") , ("#E2E2E2"))
14. A function with complicated conditions and logic. This formula is fully converted.

Formula Name: NewBalance
Formula Type: Decimal
Formula Syntax: crystalSyntax
//check if item is stocked and if not do not compute new balance (should be 0)
If {IMITMIDX_SQL.stocked_fg} = "Y" Then

// computes running total of the quantity balance
// transaction types that do not impact the balance
if {IMINVTRX_SQL.doc_type} = "A" 
or {IMINVTRX_SQL.doc_type} = "B" 
or {IMINVTRX_SQL.doc_type} = "C" 
or {IMINVTRX_SQL.doc_type} = "G" 
or {IMINVTRX_SQL.doc_type} = "L" 
or {IMINVTRX_SQL.doc_type} = "O"
or {IMINVTRX_SQL.doc_type} = "W"
or {IMINVTRX_SQL.doc_type} = "H"
or ({IMINVTRX_SQL.doc_type} = "T" AND {@F_FromLocation} = {@F_ToLocation})
then {IMINVTRX_SQL.old_quantity}
// Deleted Item or negative Qty Transactions (Subtract)
 if {IMINVTRX_SQL.doc_type} = "R"
 then ({IMINVTRX_SQL.old_quantity} + {@TrxQty})
// Issue Transactions (Subtract)
 if {IMINVTRX_SQL.doc_type} = "I" then
    //if negative old_quantity then add
    if {IMINVTRX_SQL.source} = "R" and {IMINVTRX_SQL.old_quantity} &lt; 0 then
        ({IMINVTRX_SQL.old_quantity} + ({@TrxQty} * -1))
        ({IMINVTRX_SQL.old_quantity} - ({@TrxQty} * -1))
//   Transfer Transactions (Add or Subtract)
  if {IMINVTRX_SQL.doc_type} = "T"
    if {IMINVTRX_SQL.lev_no} = 0 then
       {IMINVTRX_SQL.old_quantity} + ({@TrxQty} * -1)
       {IMINVTRX_SQL.old_quantity} + {@TrxQty}
//     all other transaction types except Transfers
    {IMINVTRX_SQL.old_quantity} + {@TrxQty}

Conversion Result:
=Code.NewBalance (Fields!stocked_fg.Value, Fields!doc_type.Value, Fields!old_quantity.Value, 
    Fields!source.Value, Fields!lev_no.Value, Fields!quantity.Value)
Public Function NewBalance (ByVal dbField23 As String, ByVal dbField2 As String, 
    ByVal dbField6 As Decimal, ByVal dbField1 As String, ByVal dbField9 As Integer, 
    ByVal dbField12 As Decimal) As Decimal
     If dbField23 = "Y" Then 
         If dbField2 = "A" Or dbField2 = "B" Or dbField2 = "C" 
             Or dbField2 = "G" Or dbField2 = "L" 
             Or dbField2 = "O" Or dbField2 = "W" 
             Or dbField2 = "H" Or dbField2 = "T" And F_FromLocation () = F_ToLocation () Then 
            Return dbField6
         ElseIf dbField2 = "R" Then 
            Return dbField6 + TrxQty (dbField2, dbField12)
         ElseIf dbField2 = "I" Then 
             If dbField1 = "R" And dbField6 &lt; 0 Then 
                Return dbField6 + (TrxQty (dbField2, dbField12)) * ((-1))
                Return dbField6 - (TrxQty (dbField2, dbField12)) * ((-1))
             End If 

         ElseIf dbField2 = "T" Then 
             If dbField9 = 0 Then 
                Return dbField6 + (TrxQty (dbField2, dbField12)) * ((-1))
                Return dbField6 + TrxQty (dbField2, dbField12)
             End If 

            Return dbField6 + TrxQty (dbField2, dbField12)
         End If 

        Return 0
     End If 

End Function

15. Another Complicated formula, again it is fully converted by our advanced conversion.

Formula Name: CODIGO_ORDEN
Formula Type: String
Formula Syntax: crystalSyntax
if {ADM_EMPRESAS.PAIS_COD} &lt;&gt; "MEX" then
    {ORTR.TROR_COD}+" / "+ {ORTR.ORTR_COD}+" - "+ToText ({ORTR.ORTR_VERSION},0)
    if {ORTR.TIOT_COD} = "3" then
        "PRO " + {ORTR.CLI_COD} + " - " + ToText({ORTR.MARC_COD},0) + " - " 
         + {ORTR.TROR_COD} +" / "
         + {ORTR.ORTR_COD}+" - " +ToText ({ORTR.ORTR_VERSION},0)
        if {ORTR.TIOT_COD} = "1" then
            "CRE " + {ORTR.CLI_COD} + " - " + ToText({ORTR.MARC_COD},0)
            + " - " + {ORTR.TROR_COD} +
            " / "+ {ORTR.ORTR_COD}+" - " +ToText ({ORTR.ORTR_VERSION},0)
            if {ORTR.TIOT_COD} = "2" then
                "COT " + {ORTR.CLI_COD} + " - " + ToText({ORTR.MARC_COD},0) 
                + " - " + {ORTR.TROR_COD} +
                " / "+ {ORTR.ORTR_COD} +" - "+ToText ({ORTR.ORTR_VERSION},0)
                if {ORTR.TIOT_COD} = "4" then
                    "MED " + {ORTR.CLI_COD} + " - " 
                     + ToText({ORTR.MARC_COD},0) + " - " + 
                     {ORTR.TROR_COD} +" / " + {ORTR.ORTR_COD}+" - "
                     +ToText ({ORTR.ORTR_VERSION},0)

Conversion Result:
=Code.CODIGO_ORDEN (Fields!PAIS_COD.Value, Fields!TROR_COD.Value, 
    Fields!ORTR_COD.Value, Fields!ORTR_VERSION.Value, 
    Fields!TIOT_COD.Value, Fields!CLI_COD.Value, Fields!MARC_COD.Value)

Public Function CODIGO_ORDEN (ByVal dbField31 As String, ByVal dbField0 As String, 
ByVal dbField1 As String, 
ByVal dbField2 As Decimal, ByVal dbField30 As String, ByVal dbField28 As String, 
ByVal dbField29 As Decimal) As String
     If dbField31 &lt;&gt; "MEX" Then 
        Return dbField0 + " / " + dbField1 + " - " + Format (dbField2, "#,##0")
     ElseIf dbField30 = "3" Then 
        Return "PRO " + dbField28 + " - " + Format (dbField29, "#,##0") + " - " + dbField0 + 
               " / " + dbField1 + " - " + Format (dbField2, "#,##0")
     ElseIf dbField30 = "1" Then 
        Return "CRE " + dbField28 + " - " + Format (dbField29, "#,##0") + " - " + dbField0 + 
               " / " + dbField1 + " - " + Format (dbField2, "#,##0")
     ElseIf dbField30 = "2" Then 
        Return "COT " + dbField28 + " - " + Format (dbField29, "#,##0") + " - " + dbField0 + 
               " / " + dbField1 + " - " + Format (dbField2, "#,##0")
        Return "MED " + dbField28 + " - " + Format (dbField29, "#,##0") + " - " + dbField0 + 
               " / " + dbField1 + " - " + Format (dbField2, "#,##0")
     End If 

End Function